Mon Dec 09, 2024 05:23 pm
Free to use & advertise! Autodealer UAE is an Online Market Place for Used Cars, Bikes, 4x4s in UAE.
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 Tips on Searching!

  • In Model name you can put in any word and it will be matched. If you are unsure about the exact model name just enter in a few words. For example, type in "Mustang" instead of "Mustang GT" or "Mustang V6".
  • In Plate number you can put in any word and it will be matched. If you are unsure about the exact Plate number just enter in a few words. For example, type in "H Dubai" instead of "H Dubai 44444".
  • Sometimes advertisers will spell the model names incorrectly, so try various options or try smaller subsets of the model name, For example, type in "Cor" instead of "Corolla". This will match also mis-spelled variants like "Corrolla" or "Corrola".
  • It is best to select "All" in City. It will cover all cities in UAE. You can narrow the search later on if you get too many results. Many times advertisers put in the wrong cities. For example, the car might be registered in Sharjah or Ajman but advertised in Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
  • If you want more accurate searches, go for Advanced Search panel below.
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